Ícone acessibilidade



We believe that our diferences boost the growth and innovation

commitment with diversity

We have a structured sector of Diversity, Equality and Inclusion, that possesses tangible and day-to-day goals for the valorization of plurality and equality.

Este movimiento ya ha tenido impactos positivos dentro y fuera de nuestros entornos laborales, pero no queremos detenernos ahí.

Speech and action aligned: we work with these actions in a systemic way in our business, as a whole, seeking coherence between what is said and done.

affinity groups

Let’s call you to dance!

The affinity groups (GA’s) from Boticário Group are organized, managered and composed by employees who volunteered. Hundreds of people are a part of GA’s.

Altogether, 5 groups work on the different themes about diversity, that are the focus of Boticário Group and they have been protagonists in the decisions and actions of the company.

diversity squads

To promote the changes we want to see in the world and in the Boticário Group, work groups are created to guarantee that our #CompromissosParaOFuturo are developed on the different dimensions of the Company.

Among all the fronts is to guarantee that Communication between our Business Unities represents the diversity of the Brazilian population, without steriotypes and even make sure that our products serve completely the different manifestations of beauty in Brazil.